Our new website is under construction


Phone: 817-880-6620   Fax: 817-880-6621


NOTICE TO EXISTING PATIENTS: If you wish to continue to follow with Dr. Shah, please remember to sign a Release of Medical Records form that can be downloaded from this website. One will be mailed via regular mail to your address as well. You can email the form to the Texas Cardiac Arrythmia website or email to us at snshah@cardiacepclinicfw.com or fax to 8178806621. Or simply bring it to the office at your previously scheduled visit.

Our goal is to see our patients at the same day and time as of the previously scheduled follow-up visit. Please feel free to call or email for confirmation of your scheduled visit.

Download Release of Medical Records Form



We are excited to offer the use of a new platform (KLARA) to make communication easier with the staff at our new clinic. You may use this text number to directly text staff at the office

Please allow 24 to 48 hours for any non-urgent messages.

This may include questions about upcoming appointments, confirmation of future appointments, Sending pictures of insurance cards or other documents, request for prescription refills.

The texting option will reduce any long wait times on the phone.

This communication platform has been extremely well received by patients in clinics elsewhere.

Please TEXT us at (817)-318-7184

Patient Registration Forms

Please fill these forms if possible prior to your visit and email or bring them to the clinic on the day of your appointment. Thank you

Download Patient Registration Form


Press Release

Find A Doctor

Payment Link

Please scan the code to make a payment.





Fort Worth Office: 1001 12th Ave Suite#134 Fort Worth, Texas 76104

Granbury office: 2003 Rockview Drive, Granbury, TX, 76049

Comanche Clinic: Comanche County Medical Center 10201 TX-16, Comanche, TX, 76442

Weatherford Office: 2614 E Bankhead Hwy, Weatherford, TX 76087 (Temporary location)

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